-*- Mode: Text; -*- LispWorks Patch Release 4.2.7 Copyright (c) 2002 Xanalys LLC. All rights reserved. Issues marked (LSC #x) have been previously addressed in (Lisp Support Call #x). COM/Automation -------------- Allow Automation-only type library parsing (LSC #10494). Fix handling of lcid parameters in Automation (LSC #10487). Fix optional Automation arguments in COM:CALL-DISPATCH-METHOD etc (LSC #10493). Common SQL ---------- Fix owner on MS SQL server. Add INTERFACE keyword to CONNECT. Fix database opening when the driver requires a dialog. Fix miscellaneous pseudo-operators (LSC #11151). Fix SQL recording (LSC #10393). Fix recording of non-query commands in ODBC (LSC #11101). Note: SQL recording APIs should now be passed :TYPE argument one of :COMMANDS,:RESULTS or :BOTH, and not as documented. The default for :TYPE is :COMMANDS. This change applies to the following SQL APIs: ADD-SQL-STREAM DELETE-SQL-STREAM LIST-SQL-STREAMS SQL-STREAM SQL-RECORDING-P START-SQL-RECORDING STOP-SQL-RECORDING Export SQL:UNIVERSAL-TIME which is a :TYPE option for SQL:DEF-VIEW-CLASS (LSC #11151). LispWorks ORB ------------- Don't generate interpreted code when compiling IDL files (LSC #10467). Add :DUMP-IR-CODE keyword to IDL, to allow not outputting interface repository code (LSC #10467). Support the 'long long' and 'long double' types (LSC #9991). Speed up marshalling and unmarshalling of large sequences and arrays (LSC #10476). CLIM2.0 ------- Fix drawing to pixmaps on Windows (LSC #10556). Fix scaled-rotated ellipse drawing on Windows (LSC #10555). Common LispWorks IDE -------------------- Fix the Function menu in Function Call Browser for subfunction names such as in an FLET (LSC #10718). Fix ED when source is recorded but not found (LSC #10183). CAPI ---- Improve scrolling in EDITOR-PANE (LSC #10867). On Motif/Lesstif, block BadPixmap errors when the screen is destroyed. Fix COLLECT-INTERFACES before initialization of CAPI. Reduce the minimum width of OPTION-PANE and TEXT-INPUT-CHOICE (LSC #10084). Fix unexpected crashes from CURRENT-PRINTER and division by zero errors from GET-PRINTER-METRICS on Windows (LSC #10951). Allow :WILD for font attributes in GP:FIND-BEST-FONT on Windows (LSC #10843). Fix calculation oif initial focus for dialogs on Windows (LSC #10284). Fix popup menu with an :ITEMS-FUNCTION on Windows (LSC #10226). Fix blanking of GRAPH-PANE when :BACKGROUND is used (LSC #10354). Fix problems with (SETF LAYOUT-DESCRIPTION) on a layout which is no longer displayed (LSC #10074). Handle matrices in X font descriptors. Allow menus named CAPI:WINDOWS-MENU (LSC #10534). Make menu accelerators on Motif work before the menu is popped up (LSC #10525). Reset initialization of library on Windows. Improve override cursor behaviour, on Windows (LSC #10147). Add REPLACE-ITEMS Make REMOVE-ITEMS accept a list of items. Fix a bug in OUTPUT-PANE's resize callback, on Windows (LSC #10813) . Prevent errors when screens are destroyed. Fix title scrolling problems after setting the items of a MULTI-COLUMN-LIST-PANEL (LSC #10838). Support Unicode display on Windows 95/98/ME (LSC #9996). Ensure that windows using :TITLE-POSITION :FRAME redraw correctly (LSC #10054) (LSC #10073). Don't move toolbars unecessarily, on Windows. Make selection display a selected item in a :MULTIPLE-SELECTION or :EXTENDED-SELECTION LIST-PANEL, on Windows (LSC #10181). Improve MULTI-COLUMN-LIST-PANEL when it has no items. Allow UPDATE-TOOLBAR to be called on toolbars that are not on the screen Lisp Support Call #10773). When a window is disabled, don't set the cursor, on Windows. Delivery -------- Improve message when FLI templates are missing in the delivered image (LSC #10110). Fix handling of X errors in delivered images on Motif/Lesstif. Add :EDITOR-STYLE keyword for DELIVER, to allow specifying editor emulation in the delivered image. Fix delivery of CLIM image (LSC #10576). Fix delivered image with CAPI:COLLECTOR-PANE (LSC #10616). Foreign Language Interface -------------------------- Ensure that DEREFERENCE checks its arguments. Allow better optimization of DEFINE-FOREIGN-FUNCTION (LSC #10178). Add a foreign template for :LISP-STRING-ARRAY (LSC #10202). LispWorks for Linux ------------------- Set the maximum memory on startup (LSC #10755) (LSC #10429). LispWorks for Windows --------------------- Add interfaces for GetUserProfileDirectory and SHGetFolderPath. Speed up DIRECTORY by switching off the check for links (LSC #10072). LispWorks for Unix ------------------ Cope with empty LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable when reconnecting to shared library (LSC #10110). LispWorks (all platforms) ------------------------- Improve GC diagnostics (LSC #10429). Improve "Eliminating a test of a variable with a declared type..." warning. Make compiler optimize EXP and LOG for float arguments and results (LSC #10748). Allow the printed representation of infinities and NaNs to be read (LSC #10285). Fix allocation of conses in static areas and higher generations (LSC #10429) (LSC #10573) (LSC #10755) (LSC #10992) (LSC #10967)(LSC #10605). Fix a rare bug the Garbage Collector. Optimize DELETE-DUPLICATES on long lists (LSC #10072). Improve the error signaled when attempting to start a non-exisitant service by COMM:START-UP-SERVER. Fix bounds checking when making TEXT-STRINGs on Windows/Linux. Fix a bug in pretty-printing of a non-standard LOOP form (LSC #10286). Fix output by Y-OR-N-P etc. to a SOCKET-STREAM (LSC #10092). Fix error reporting during class finalization, this was broken in some rare circumstances (LSC #11151). Patch Installation Instructions ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Please note that the patch archive may appear to lack patches at the start of some sequences. For instance, patches capi/0001/0001 through capi/0001/0038 are not included. This is because these patches are preloaded in the LispWorks4.2 executable as distributed. LISPWORKS FOR LINUX PROFESSIONAL/ENTERPRISE ------------------------------------------- Download either the RPM file or the tar archive. Please note that LispWorks patch releases are cumulative so you don't need to download previous patch releases separately. Patch Installation from the binary RPM file ------------------------------------------- Please refer to Section 2.4 of the LispWorks (Linux Version) Release Notes and Installation Guide for information about using RPM. The distribution files are also provided in tar format in case you do not have a suitable version of RPM or are using another distribution of Linux. Installation of LispWorks patch bundles from the RPM file must be done as root. You need to install patches in the same location as you installed LispWorks. By default LispWorks Professional/Enterprise is installed in /usr/lib/LispWorks. If you installed LispWorks here, then install the patches in the standard RPM way: rpm -Uh lispworks-patches4.2-4.2.7-1.i386.rpm If you installed LispWorks in another directory, /usr/lisp for example, then use --prefix to relocate the patches to that directory: rpm -Uh --prefix /usr/lisp lispworks-patches4.2-4.2.7-1.i386.rpm The directory name must be an absolute pathname. Relative pathnames and pathnames including shell-expanded characters such as . and ~ do not work. If you need to uninstall the patches, this would be done (again as root) by: rpm -e lispworks-patches4.2 Patch Installation from the tar archive --------------------------------------- Again you'll need to do this as root. You need to install patches in the same location as you installed LispWorks. By default tar installations of LispWorks Professional/Enterprise are in /usr/local/lib/LispWorks. % cd /usr/lib/lispworks # or your installation directory % gzip -d lwlproent42-patches7.tar.gz % tar xf lwlproent42-patches7.tar If you have previously installed patch bundle 4.2.6, some files will be overwritten. LISPWORKS FOR WINDOWS PROFESSIONAL/ENTERPRISE --------------------------------------------- Unzip the archive lwwproent42_patches7.zip in the installation directory (by default this is C:\Program Files\Xanalys\LispWorks ). This will add files to the patches subdirectory. If you have previously installed patch bundle 4.2.6, some files will be overwritten. LISPWORKS FOR UNIX ------------------ Unpack the tar file in the lispworks directory. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. If you have previously installed patch bundle 4.2.6, some files will be overwritten, so you may need to do this as root. LISPWORKS (ALL PLATFORMS) ------------------------- After installing the new patches, check that there is a call to LOAD-ALL-PATCHES in your siteinit.lisp file. This ensures patches are loaded at startup. You will need to restart LispWorks. The patches are loaded if LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION returns "4.2.7". This version number also appears in the Podium Window of the Common LispWorks IDE. It is best to save an image containing the new patches. To do this create a script such as this: --------------------- save-4207.lisp ------------------------------- (in-package "CL-USER") (load-all-patches) (save-image (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name "lispworks-4207") (lisp-image-name)) :remarks "LispWorks 4.2.7") (quit) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the script as a LispWorks initialization file in a MS DOS command window or Unix shell: prompt> lispworks-4200 -init save-4207.lisp -siteinit -